Deb Taft
Taft was previously Senior Executive Vice President and Managing Director for Grenzebach Glier and Associates (GG+A), headquartered in Chicago, one of the world’s leading nonprofit consultancies. She led the firm day-to-day and oversaw all domestic and global consulting practices. She also served as interim Chief Financial Officer, Practice Area Leader for Analytics, and drove consultant recruitment, training, and resource utilization.
Taft also served on the executive team for Girl Scouts of the USA, based in New York. As one of the most senior officers in this iconic leadership organization representing girls in 112 US councils and 94 countries, she played a critical role in transforming talent, culture, and social impact. She led the hiring and onboarding of a new national executive team, the $1 billion To Get Her There campaign, and was executive sponsor for the global initiative to engage 59 million former Girl Scouts.
Taft held prior executive and senior development roles at Simmons University, Tufts Medical Center and Floating Hospital for Children, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund, and Concord Academy. She was a founding team member of City Year, which today has 28 youth service teams across the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Africa.
Taft is a board member for the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts, and The Giving Institute, and a member of the Editorial Review Board for Giving USA. She holds positions on the AI in Advancement Council (AAAC), the Allies in Action Committee for Women of Color in Philanthropy (WŌC), the Industry Advisory Council, the Curriculum and Content Task Force, and the Mid-Career transition working group for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). A recognized speaker, facilitator, and trainer, Deb holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and an MBA from Simmons University.