Pamela Kaul
After 13 years leading major changes in human resources development and business operations divisions at Washington-based associations, Pamela launched her executive search career in 1982 with a national recruiting firm and successfully launched its practice into the non-profit arena. Pamela was also instrumental in launching an executive search and consulting services division for another non-profit organization. In addition, she was a member of the ASAE executive management team retained to launch an HRD program and a transition in staff culture.
Recognized as a leader in the field, Pamela is a frequent keynote speaker and a presenter at universities, national meetings and conferences. A former columnist for Association' Now magazine, Pamela has written on career management, executive search, succession planning and interviewing skills. She is the author of "Orientation, Training, and Development," a chapter in ASAE's Managing Human Resources in Associations.
Pamela is a founding member of National Non-Profit Search Consultants. She sits on the Nominating Committee for SCORE, and is an advisor to several national boards and committees. She holds a degree in Communications from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.